National Honor Society


National Honor Society recognizes student accomplishments in four areas––scholarship, character, leadership and service. NHS is open to juniors and seniors who must meet the requirements for academic and disciplinary eligibility (outlined below) to be considered candidates for membership.
  • Scholarship
    • Based on a student's cumulative qualifying QPA and the recommendation of a current teacher
  • Character
    • The NHS uses a multi-faceted definition of character known as the 6 Pillars of Character: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. A candidate will be able to demonstrate an outstanding record of conduct and behavior with regard to school and community rules, guidelines and policies, or be able to demonstrate sufficient growth and improvement to compensate for previous inadequacies.
  • Leadership
    • This pillar is considered highly important. Leadership exists in elected positions as well as effective participation in positions of responsibility in other activities offered on campus, such as athletic team captains, section leaders in band and chorus, and committee chairs in student groups. Leadership roles in both the school and community may be considered provided they can be verified.
  • Service
    • Service is generally considered to be those actions undertaken by the student which are done with or on behalf of others without any direct financial or material compensation. In considering service, the contributions a candidate has made to school, classmates and community, as well as the student's attitude toward service, are reviewed. All service references by candidates should include verification by an adult supervisor of the activity under consideration. 


Current seniors and juniors are academically eligible when their weighted QPA is 4.0 or above. 


Students who have earned disciplinary points from violations that contradict the four pillars of the National Honor Society––namely scholarship, leadership, character or service––may be ineligible for selection even if they qualify academically. This includes, but is not limited to, any violation of the school's honor code. All disciplinary infractions of prospective candidates are communicated by the Administration to the Faculty Selection Committee. Students with questions about their disciplinary eligibility should direct them to the NHS Moderator. 
In addition, students must exhibit leadership skills and service to the community––a willingness to use their talents for the betterment of society. 


Selection to NHS is a privilege, not a right. Students do not apply for membership in the National Honor Society. Instead, they provide information to be used by the Faculty Selection Committee to support their candidacy for membership. 
The selection process occurs twice a year in the Fall and Spring. A Selection Committee consisting of five faculty members and the NHS Moderator evaluates the information provided by the students and makes the selections for that semester. According to the constitution, only those junior and senior students who have completed one full semester at Seton LaSalle may be considered for membership. Transfer students who were members of the NHS at a previous school are automatically granted membership if they provide official proof of their selection. 


Upon becoming a member, students are required to maintain the standard in all four areas that established their membership. NHS members participate in the annual blood drive and student tutoring. Through the NHS, the school gives recognition and appreciation to the students and their achievements. 
In 2019, our annual November Blood Drive set a school record with 58 students, faculty and staff members registering to donate blood and 49 units donated. Those 49 units will save the lives of up to 147 local patients!